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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Lets Get Back to Business

Sunday morning, i was watching the CBS Morning show and one of my favorite commentators Ben Stein was on talking about the topic of getting back to having meetings, a followup to this article If the Obamas can take an unnecessary trip to NY for "date night" and spend hundreds of thousands of our dollars to do so, i think he should say to the american public it is okay to have meetings again. Let's get back to the business of business.


Unknown said...

Love the article and actually find Ben Stein pretty reasonable and on target on most things. (Was at his house once, I'll tell ya later about that). The one thing he doesn't know about meeting in Vegas is that more and more companies are shying away from the locale (take it from a former Vegas peep, girl) because attendance at meetings and education based seminars is way down. The problem is that most people who go there have in their head the HIDEOUS slogan "What Happens In Vegas..." This makes them apparently stay out all night, get piss ass drunk, gamble their mortgage away, and do things they normally NEVER would do at ultra lounges and gentlemen's clubs. This makes them absolute CRAP the next morning and therefore unable to get their butts out of bed to attend whatever they came there in the first place to attend. I've heard it over and over from upper management who coordinate these things. Vegas is on the out in terms of LEARNING things at meetings/conventions. No one shows the hell up. Big problemo.

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